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Hides the "last user" line in object tooltips, to reduce clutter and avoid doxxing yourself in screenshots and streams

25 days ago
25 days ago
Latest Version:
1.0.0 (25 days ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
37 users

Removes the "last user" line in the tooltips of buildings etc. The goal is to prevent accidentally showing your username when streaming or sharing screenshots. It also removes clutter from tooltips in single-player.

This mod hasn't been tested much yet, so don't rely only on this mod for anonymity. Go to Settings->Other to log out and change your LAN player name. Assume there are situations where your username will still show.

This mod does 2 things:

  • When the game is loaded or started, it looks through all entities on all surfaces and clears their last user field.
  • Every tick, the mod checks the selected entity of every player and clears its last user field. It also does this every time a player selects a different entity.

If you share a savefile, this mod will not help you, your username will still be in there somewhere. If you really need to scrub a savefile, you can try going to the saves folder, opening the zipfile, opening each level.dat file, and replacing every occurrence of your username with some other string with exactly the same number of letters, e.g. replace "JamesBond007" with "XXXXXXXXXXXX". Even after that your username might still be recoverable somehow, I don't know. I haven't tried this but I heard it worked on some old version of the game.