
by kumpu

Adds a fully animated attack helicopter to the game. Ideal for getting from A to B quickly, exploring the map, building islands and nuking biters from the sky. Now 84% less buggier!

5 years ago
0.15 - 0.17

g Key combinations displayed while hovering over the heads-up/display cluster

5 years ago


I like the mod, but never can remember the keys for starting/landing. Further my computer does not have enough RAM to run Factorio and a web browser. So it is, hmm, lets build a helicopter. How do you start this thing. Press every key on the keyboard. Does not fly. Stop factorio, start firefox, ask google: "A shift-E/ shift-Q". Stop firefox, start factorio, start helicopter. Next play two weeks later, rinse and repeat. Not very userfriendly.

This is why i added to the local.cfg the following:

heli-gui-gauges-tt=Configurable in the settings.\n \nShift+E and Shift+Q - Start and Land.\nUp and Down Arrows - Increase and Decrease flight height.\nShift+L - Floodlight (at night).\n\nIf you have the remote control in your armor grid:\nShift+G - Open the remote control panel (there is also a small button in the top left corner).\nShift+F - Send the nearest helicopter to you.

Maybe you could do something similar.

5 years ago

You can change the keybinds to something you can remember in factorio control settings > mods > helicopters.

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