
by kumpu

Adds a fully animated attack helicopter to the game. Ideal for getting from A to B quickly, exploring the map, building islands and nuking biters from the sky. Now 84% less buggier!

5 years ago
0.15 - 0.17

g Science formula issue. Possibly intentional?

6 years ago

So the cost of the formula to research the helicopter seems wrong. It requires 2 blue science packs for every red/green. If you look at the cost it shows 1 Red, 1 Green, 2 Blue x400. Which results in a total cost of 400 Red, 400 Green, and 800 Blue. Just wondering if this was intentional or not.

6 years ago

It's intentional. Iirc I looked at vanilla recipes and some had the same thing. So I figured I do it like that.

6 years ago

So I looked through each vanilla recipe in-game and it seems as of the latest version (0.16.51) no recipes seem to do this. However, I've since noticed several other mods in my game that also have staggered science requirements. I guess yours was just the first one I've noticed doing this. I've only picked up Factorio back in March so don't quote me on this, but my guess is that this used to be the case then the devs normalized the costs in a more recent version and mod authors either didn't catch on or didn't care.

Either way, I absolutely love the mod and can't imagine how I got around without it.

6 years ago

Thanks, nice to hear. I lost interest and didn't play the game in months so I didn't know, quite a shame actually since I had some cool stuff planned like proper models. Maybe I'll return once 0.17 is out.

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