
by kumpu

Adds a fully animated attack helicopter to the game. Ideal for getting from A to B quickly, exploring the map, building islands and nuking biters from the sky. Now 84% less buggier!

5 years ago
0.15 - 0.17

g Grid equipment

6 years ago

I have a question for you.
How to increase the network of equipment in the helicopter?
Because 8x6 grids are not enough.
Tell me where you can change the setting of the grid.

I will be grateful for the help.

6 years ago

The mod does not add a grid. You must have something else installed that adds those, so ask that mod's author.

6 years ago

Thanks for clarifying))

And for what you answered))

A good mod. And the last update ... Excellent))

Thanks again))

I will understand))

New response