
by kumpu

Adds a fully animated attack helicopter to the game. Ideal for getting from A to B quickly, exploring the map, building islands and nuking biters from the sky. Now 84% less buggier!

5 years ago
0.15 - 0.17

i Interested? ( heavy tank )

7 years ago

i have made a tank but i don't create mods.
Here is preview: https://brianfhunter.deviantart.com/art/Heavy-Tank-723400978
Can we work on something ?

7 years ago

Can't tell until you give me some details. What exactly do you have in mind? How much experience do you have? Etc...

7 years ago

there is a few tank mods in factorio, but all use the same dumb original tank, so i decided to make one better.

I dont know a shit of doing scripts and programming, i just done the 3D model, and probably i can make the sprites too.

I was thinking in a larger tank with a lot of HP and custom ammunition, and a few other things.

if you want more details or pictures just ask, and thanks for responding so quickly. :)

7 years ago

So just a new tank? Any special features? If not that's pretty easy, you could even do it yourself, no coding necessary. But I can help you out if you want.
If you want new mechanics tho it can get complicated and we have to discuss that.

7 years ago

well... for this tank nothing Special, i mean, the model is "special" compared to other mods.

i was drawing a space ship very inspired on BattleCruiser from starcraft, in that one i was thinking a lot of crazy ideas, like flying like your helicopter (vertical take off) and when landed it works like a factorissimo that the player can "enter" the ship and load some chests of ammunition that automated turrets from outside shoots... and other crazy stuff. In the end, concluded thats too big for me.
Decided to make a tank, way more simple, drawn the tank, look for tutorial to make it alive and learned thats still not simple enough for me...

i will be happy with a normal tank mod, the only thing i can give to you in exchange for the work, its draw something you want, nothing organic shape, i use solidworks.

7 years ago

if you liked the tank but think my ideas are too simple and you have something special for him, im all ears.

7 years ago

Cool idea with that factorissimo stuff but yeah, sounds complicated.
The tank is no problem at all if you can give me the sprites (and sound effects if you want new ones). Vanilla uses spritesheets with 64 frames, we can go higher if you want. Turret is a 2nd set of sprites that get drawn on top. Rotational axis of both sets must align. Ingame, each tile is 32x32 pixels so keep that in mind when you render. Double that for HR version. If you need more info let me know.
And you don't have to do anything in exchange, it's really not much work for me. You just have to do the sprites, icons, etc.
As for new ideas... Flamethrower would be cool. Maybe it could auto-lay landmines, not sure if anyone even uses them tho. Idk, what do you think?

7 years ago

Dont sure about flamethrower, in the model i placed a rocket pod in the back, but the landmines, thats sounds Very Cool !!
For the cannons, i was wanting something like the "Behemoth Slayer" from the mod FirearmsPlus, its like a shotgun but dont spread, giving a similar efect of piercing, the sounds of the gun its also very cool, but dont know if has permission to use his sound.
About the frames, gonna make 64x64 pix X 64 frames, but i dont know what angle i need to take the frames.

7 years ago

Alright, your baby. Ask the mod author about the sound.
Regarding render settings, there's a nice thread on the forum (for blender, but it should give you a lot of useful info anyway). https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=5336
64x64 is too small, my heli is 360x300 low res for comparison (much of it is empty). There is a ~2000x2000 limit on image size so you will probably need to spread the frames over multiple files. I use 4 images with 4x4 sprites.

7 years ago

64 per tile, i was meaning in HR, thx for the info, i will calculate the exact size, in the game its should be a little big than a "Hauler".
Very thx for the link for the blender tutorial, with this my friend will help me with the sprites.
About the permission, already send the message, only waiting for his answer.

7 years ago


7 years ago

slowly making progress
just finish spritesheet of the base of the tank
when all is complete, how i send to you the files?

7 years ago

Just use some file host, e.g. google docs or mega.

7 years ago

that's it, i think...
if have something left, let me know.
We really should be a better way to communicate...

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Good, i'll get to work then.
Here's my steam for better comms: http://steamcommunity.com/id/kumpuu/

Edit: You need to separate the shadows - so 4 sprite sets in total.

7 years ago

hmmm, very soon all 4 sprites will be ready.
About the Sound:
"since they were all downloaded from royalty free sound websites anyway, sure."

7 years ago

the shadow its not very dark, but for now i dont think thats gonna be a issue.

7 years ago

any news about the tank mod?

7 years ago

I have made a tank but I don't create mods.
Here is preview: https://brianfhunter.deviantart.com/art/Heavy-Tank-723400978
Can we work on something?

Ik that this is irrelevant but I really like your tank design and I have always wanted to make a train MK 2 that doesn't recycle the original train sprite. Would you like to help me to do this? (you don't need to do the train wheels)

7 years ago

unfunf22 - im working a few thinks on real life, but i will release a "beta" version soon.
OmegaStorm720 - im not a pro, but we can try, talk to me via steam. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198008672889

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