
by kumpu

Adds a fully animated attack helicopter to the game. Ideal for getting from A to B quickly, exploring the map, building islands and nuking biters from the sky. Now 84% less buggier!

5 years ago
0.15 - 0.17

a Beta testers wanted (v0.1.0, remote control update)

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

As suggested by kyoshiharu, this version includes a remote control equipment item that lets you control your helicopters. Once you place it in your armor grid, a button will appear in the left top corner where you can access the remote gui.

It's not yet finished but I'd like some feedback. I fixed every issue I could find, but this was a pretty complicated piece of work. So if someone is interested - please give it a try and let me know if you have any problems. I'm sure there are some left. If you do, make a post here and please don't forget to include information on how to reproduce it. If you have any suggestions, let me know ;)

DL: https://forums.factorio.com/download/file.php?id=27725

How to use:
Imo it's pretty self-explanatory. Things to mention are that left clicking the to-player button will let the heli follow you, while shift-clicking will send it to your CURRENT position. Right clicking the top of any window will close it.

7 years ago

Downloading and trying it, now.

7 years ago

Does this not work on a previously-saved map? I can't find the helipad or the remote control item.

7 years ago

Hi, thanks for giving it a try. It does work on old saves, maybe you missed it? http://i.imgur.com/cJO2K67.png
Also make sure you installed it correctly. If you still can't find it I'll have to troubleshoot, but no idea how the items could be missing to be honest, other than mod interference...
Let me know what you get!

7 years ago

Thank you for the pictures. I think I didn't miss it and suspect you are correct re: mod interference, but I will check again next chance I get. I will have time to play with it more on Friday at the latest. Thanks so much!

7 years ago

Alright, let me know the results :-)

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