While flying over some assemblers picking stuff out of chests, I suddenly see my battery chemical plant producing uranium ammo clips! No kidding. At first glance, you're totally dumbfounded. How are we putting sulfuric acid, iron, and copper into a machine and getting uranium ammo clips being put on the belt instead of batteries?
Suddenly, it dawned on me. The inserter thats pulling from the battery chemical plant and placing onto the belt was pulling the ammo clips from the helicopters inventory and placing them on the belt!
I can see some people wanting the ability for auto-loot for the heli, such as ammo, fuel, or whatever else they want to store (or not store!) in it, but not being able to while in flight mode is how it should be..
Sorry if this has been reported before, I did a bit of digging and didn't see this particular issue..
GREAT mod, love it. Dev's should add it to the game-- if we can have rockets with satellites and tanks, surely we can learn to craft a helicopter?? :)