
by kumpu

Adds a fully animated attack helicopter to the game. Ideal for getting from A to B quickly, exploring the map, building islands and nuking biters from the sky. Now 84% less buggier!

5 years ago
0.15 - 0.17

g Light

7 years ago

Does it have a light or is one of my other mods interfering with it?

7 years ago

Doesn't have one. If you really want it, you can edit heli_entity-_- in prototypes/entities/heli_entity.lua and add this:
light =
type = "oriented",
minimum_darkness = 0.3,
picture =
filename = "core/graphics/light-cone.png",
priority = "extra-high",
flags = { "light" },
scale = 2,
width = 200,
height = 200
shift = {-0.6, -14},
size = 2,
intensity = 0.6,
color = {r = 0.92, g = 0.77, b = 0.3}

maybe some tweaks here and there so it looks nice.
Personally I'm not sure if it fits the theme of the mod. Maybe i'll add it as a toggle key.

7 years ago

Sounds good!

7 years ago

+1 for lights!

7 years ago

Thanks kumpu.
I add the lights.
IMO it's fits the theme of the mod.
Because, you know,..real one do have lights :)

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

I think better would be to force night-vision while in the helicopter, since it is a military style craft and probably has that in real life (and lights in real aircraft aren't that useful for seeing the ground except maybe as a tiny spotlight, and are basically just for landing and for other aircraft to be able to see each other).

For toggle ability, you could probably add night-vision or lights as an additional research similar to how factorisimio adds functionality to existing buildings through research.

I think anyone that wants lights/night-vision on the helicopter, probably always wants the lights on. (Altho there could be interesting game mechanic so that biters don't notice a helicopter at night until it turns lights on or attacks)

I suppose if it is research based, the player could decide easily if they want lights or night-vision, without learning some hidden keyboard option or new UI

7 years ago

Not sure about the night vision thing, if you want it you can put one in your equipment already making that kinda redundant. Of course it would be convenient but I have to consider the implementation, and knowing factorio I'd guess the only way to get a night vision effect is to insert one into the player's grid... Now what if the grid is full, what if there is no power, yada yada... Not worth it imho, sorry.
Adding "add-ons" as researches is a good idea, will keep it in mind.

7 years ago

I would like to see a toggle light as well. I like the idea of a night raid on a biter base in the dark, but for transport runs, scouting, and landing a light would be very nice.

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