
by kumpu

Adds a fully animated attack helicopter to the game. Ideal for getting from A to B quickly, exploring the map, building islands and nuking biters from the sky. Now 84% less buggier!

5 years ago
0.15 - 0.17

b Lost equipment after being mined

7 years ago

Hi. Not sure if it was an isolated case, but I had two fusion reactors and a number of laser turrets in the helicopter's grid which disappeared after I mined the helicopter and tried to use it again.

7 years ago

I can't confirm that. I always get the items stored in the helicopter back, doesn't matter if heli is in the air or not.

7 years ago

I confirm it happened again. Maybe it is a conflict with another mod. Bod's mods perhaps?

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

You're talking about the inventory, not equipment grid right? Because if you see an equipment grid, that's added by another mod. Helicopters don't have one by default.
If it's about inventory - can you check if there is an invisible box left where you picked it up, which has the missing items? I was able to produce that glitch when I didn't have enough space in my inventory.

7 years ago

No, not the inventory grid. I'm talking about an 8x8 equipment grid that allows me to place fusion reactors, batteries, shields and personal laser defense turrets. But now that you mention it, it is quite possible that the grid was added by another mod (Bob's mod probably). The laser turrets and shield actually work while in flight. But since the grid was not added by you, I understand that you cannot do much about its content disappearing on being mined. Nevertheless, this is one of my favourite mods.

7 years ago

Well if you can tell me which one of Bob's mods does it, I can take a look and perhaps fix it.

7 years ago

Sorry, my wrong. This is what was adding the grid to the helicopter: https://mods.factorio.com/mods/Optera/VehicleGrid

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

This is a bug with helicopters.
When placing an helicopter item holding equipment data you create a new heli-entity-_- and destroy the heli-placement-entity-_- holding the equipment.

7 years ago

Also happen with the Vehicle Grid mod

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

I made a fix, but seems like the upload is once again broken. You can try it out from here if you want. http://kumpu.bplaced.net/pub/Helicopters_0.0.5.zip

Let me know if something breaks...
@devilwarriors: ?...

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Ah nevermind I didn't see Osprey posted that mod already. You were talking about bob mod and I just wanted to mention that it wasn't the only mod adding grids that caused the problem.

The fix work, nice job!

7 years ago

Works like a charm. Thanks!

New response