
by kumpu

Adds a fully animated attack helicopter to the game. Ideal for getting from A to B quickly, exploring the map, building islands and nuking biters from the sky. Now 84% less buggier!

5 years ago
0.15 - 0.17

i Good mod but maybe Sci-Fi helicopter?

7 years ago

The mod is great, sound, animation and it looks similar to other ingame graphics.
If you still interested in making mods, maybe you could do more sci-fi looking heli?
Because the player is from another planet...

7 years ago

If you can find a good 3D model, sure!

7 years ago

I actually like the model you used (is that a Mil Mi 28 Havoc)? Here's a model for a Mil Mi 24 Hind: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/8b8c77d539ac1199363c117df2241df5/Mil-Mi-24?hl=en

7 years ago

@Osprey: Yep, it's a Mi28. A Mi24 would be great and I also considered it, but the material/texture in the model you linked looks awful. Same for yours @Gusop. Also yours looks just too high tech imho. What I had in mind was a steampunky-crude looking model, like the car and tank in the game. But of course there is not much choice for free ones.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Your helicopter mod looks good,

But the helicopter model style isn't like the style factorio has (steampunk-esque or something).

For a model that has that style (in my taste) i've found this one: http://www.beastsofwar.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Flying-Machine-Art.jpg

Or this one: https://jwraith.deviantart.com/art/Warhawk-Steampunk-Light-Copter-Digital-Warlord-340170947

6 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions. However those models fit the style even less. I've worked together with a 3D artist to get something new, but he currently has other stuff to figure out. I hope he can continue soon.

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