
Adds a fully animated attack helicopter to the game. Ideal for getting from A to B quickly, exploring the map, building islands and nuking biters from the sky. Originally forked from Kumpu with fixes for Factorio 0.18.2+, but adding some enhancements of my own as well.

1 year, 4 months ago
0.18 - 1.1

b Helicopter pad interface stays on screen.

1 year, 3 months ago

I did not close the helicopter pad interface part after closing my game and when I entered my map later the interface was still there. I cannot press any of my pads, nor can I close it. When I try to press the pad button, map crashes and I get a bug message.

Modyfikacja HelicopterRevival (0.2.2) spowodowała niemożliwy do naprawienia błąd.
Proszę, zgłoś ten błąd autorowi tej modyfikacji.

Error while running event HelicopterRevival::on_gui_click (ID 1)
Gui element with name heli_heliPadSelectionGui_rootFrame already present in the parent element.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'add'
HelicopterRevival/logic/gui/heliPadSelectionGui.lua:166: in function 'buildGui'
HelicopterRevival/logic/gui/heliPadSelectionGui.lua:22: in function 'new'
HelicopterRevival/logic/gui/remoteGui.lua:119: in function 'OnChildEvent'
HelicopterRevival/logic/gui/heliSelectionGui.lua:82: in function 'OnGuiClick'
HelicopterRevival/logic/gui/remoteGui.lua:100: in function 'OnGuiClick'
HelicopterRevival/control.lua:291: in function <HelicopterRevival/control.lua:271>

1 year, 3 months ago

That's some really weird edge bug... I'll look into it.

1 year, 3 months ago
(updated 1 year, 3 months ago)

After testing it for a bit -- I can't replicate that crash... Is there a way to get that map or crashed save file?

That would help a ton.

New response