Little step-to-step guide for what twilightthepony described, to those that are less inclined in English.
1. Disable both mods and confirm, so the game restarts and disables them.
2. Load the save game and confirm that all stuff shows up in the list of removed items. That list shows up instantly after loading.
3. Save the game (important step)
4. Enable only this forked mod, not the original Kumpu mod. Then add the other mods you like and click confirm.
5. Load the game and you're ready to GrOw ThE FaCtOrY again! Good luck.
I hope kumpu feels honored when he notices at least 2 people forked his mod.
I'm trying this one out, the other fork removed auto-pilot which I just can't go without.
I'd like to thank you for doing this additional work that otherwise we'd all have to do ourselves. Great job!