Ghost On Water

This mod adds the ability to place ghosts (blueprints) on water or in space (space exploration). Ghost Landfill/Space Scaffolding is automatically added once a blueprint has been placed on water. Usage: press control + w while holding a blueprint to make it placeable on water, then simply place it on water.

1 year, 4 months ago
2 years ago
Latest Version:
0.12.2 (1 year, 4 months ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
16.1K users


This mod will not be update to Factorio 2.0 since Super Force Build makes this mod obsolete. Make sure to uncovert (Control + Shift + W or the shortcut button) all your blueprints you want to keep before updating to 2.0. Still Converted blueprint will be lost upon updating to 2.0

About this mod

This mods makes it possible to place blueprints on water or in space(Space Exploration). Ghost Landfill/Space Scaffolding) is automatically added once a blueprint has been placed on water.

How to use this mod

  1. Hold a blueprint, blueprint book or copy paste something
    Held blueprints must be stored in the players inventory, blueprints in the blueprint library will not work.
  2. Press Control + W (can be changed in control settings) or click on the shortcut button to make blueprint water/space placeable, this converts everything in the blueprint to water/space placeable water ghosts.
    • Converted Blueprints can not be used without having this mod installed, to restore the original blueprint press Control + Shift + W while holding a converted blueprint or use the shortcut button.
    • Make sure to revert any converted blueprints you want to use without this mod.
    • If you are holding a blueprint book, all blueprints in the book will be converted. This can be disabled with a mod setting.
  3. Place Blueprint, this can be on water or on land.
  4. Water Ghosts placed on water will automatically build ghost landfill/space scaffolding.
  5. Once Landfill has been build (manually or by bots) or if the water ghosts have been placed on land, water ghosts will turn back into regular ghosts, that can be build by bots.


  • Supports Landfill types from Landfill Painting mod (included in seablock). You can select the used landfill type in mod settings.
  • Supports placing blueprints in Space in Space Exploration. You can select the type of platform build in space in mod settings (setting is only visable if space exploration is installed)
  • NEW in 0.12.0! Supports most but not all waterfill mods, if a waterfill mod is installed waterfill will automatically be placed for offshore pump water ghosts.
  • This mod should be compatible with entities from most if not all other mods. Please report anything incompatible.

How this mod works

This mod adds a water placeable dummy copy of every entity in the game (including ones from other mods) when you convert a blueprints all entities in that blueprint get replaced by their water placeable counterparts, so called Water Ghost entities. When ghosts of these Water Ghost entities are on the map the mod checks if the original entity can be placed in it's location, if it can it replaces the water ghost with a ghost of the original entity that can the be build by bots. The mod also automatically adds ghost landfill under any water ghosts placed on water.

Bug Reports/Improvement Suggestions

Please Open an Issue on GitHub to report any issue or make suggestions for improvements.
Feel free to Open a Pull Request if you want to contribute
