It looks like the associated_player field is not set automatically, and the body switching code doesn't currently set it. However, I could experiment with setting this field when it is no longer actively controlled by a player, if that would make it easier. I don't yet know if there will be any unwanted side effects, but it seems like a reasonable usage of that field.
Worst case, if you had to boot the character out of the passenger seat back into the game world, that's not a big deal. It's not as good as leaving them a passenger, but unoccupied android bodies can exist on their own. It's not specific to vehicles. Do the Autodrive dummies actually use the "character" character entity, or create their own new dummy character type for that purpose? If associated_player doesn't work out, it might be possible to just distinguish which character prototypes are or are not dummies.
I haven't tried it, but miniMAXIme isn't on the official supported mod list, so it's user beware. Unlike GCKI which is part of the official Nullius mod pack.