
by 0n0w1c

Factories require foundations before construction. A simple mod, minimal UPS impact, no changes to productivity, no entities tracked or on_event handlers. Support for AAI Industry, Lunar Landings, IR3, Krastorio 2, Fluidic Power, Power Overload, Zithorian's Extra Storage Tanks, Fish Pole, Larger Lamps, and Dectorio

4 hours ago
This mod 13 From other mods 0
Dependency types:
Default 13 Required 1 Conflict 2 Optional 10 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 997K
base >= 1.1 -
Krastorio2 >= 1.3.24 316K
FluidicPower >= 1.0.4 1.69K
fish-pole >= 1.0.7 146
PowerOverload >= 1.4.8 3.13K
IndustrialRevolution3 >= 3.1.23 55.1K
aai-industry >= 0.5.22 486K
LunarLandings >= 1.0.11 1.66K
zithorian-extra-storage-tanks >= 0.1.1 882
DeadlockLargerLamp >= 1.5.1 63.3K
Dectorio >= 0.12.6 67.4K
buildings-require-foundation 46
StableFoundations 994
Last dependency data update: 4 hours ago (for v0.1.2)