Fission and Fusion

by mrudat

Adds portable fission generators, radioisotope thermoelectric generators, and factory-level fusion power.

3 years ago
0.18 - 1.0

i (won't fix) Boost Portable Fusion Reactor to 1 MW

3 years ago

Title. It's odd that you only get a slight increase for way more work.

Also, I noticed this mod still works on Factorio 1.0 (though there might be another one that I can't find running?) but this page isn't marked as such

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

You get no increase for way more work; the entire point of the fusion component is to make the portable fusion reactor not generate free power from thin air (or at least hydrogen extracted from the atmosphere).

Edit: That said, I added support for mod-added portable fusion generators, so if you do want a more powerful fusion reactor that consumes deuterium fuel, you can install one of the other mods that adds more powerful portable fusion reactors.

3 years ago

Alright then

New response