Adds portable fission generators, radioisotope thermoelectric generators, and factory-level fusion power.
Mods introducing new content into the game.
Version: 0.5.0 Date: 2020-08-18 Features: - Add support for non-vanilla portable fusion generators Changes: - Updated for 1.0 - Fiddled with changelog again. Bugfixes: - Fix stuff reported by luacheck.
Version: 0.4.6 Date: 2020-05-31 Bugfixes: - Fix graphics paths to refer to the _new_ mod name, rather than the old one.
Version: 0.4.5 Date: 2020-05-31 Features: - Make fusion generators input-output, just like the vanilla steam generators. Changes: - Add an explicit dependency from the fusion power technology on space science packs - Deuterium gas now has a fuel value of 6.2392J (what you would get if you just set it on fire), and fusion generators are now highly efficient (the difference between fusing and burning Deuterium). - Reduced collision box on RTG to match sprite. - no longer requires control.lua to make the fusion generators work. Graphics: - improve the alignment of entity sprites for RTG and fusion reactor. Bugfixes: - Hide no power icon for RTG - thanks to baslr - Updated old changelog entries
Version: 0.4.4 Date: 2020-05-31 Features: - Allowed certain recipes to use productivity. Changes: - Updated for 0.18 - Renamed from "Fission and Fusion" to "Fission-and-Fusion", and wrote a helper to migrate the data from the old to the new name. Translation: - Added name for fuel categories as these are now displayed. Graphics: - Added glow from base nuclear reactor to the inertial confinement reactor - Rewrote control.lua to hopefully perform better. - Allow fusion reactor interface update to be disabled. Bugfixes: - Flagged RTG recycling and pressure cylinder unload recipes to not allow decomposition
Version: 0.4.3 Date: 2019-04-07 Changes: - Updated for 0.17 - Reformatted changelog - Removed quickbar flags - Changed science pack names
Version: 0.4.2 Date: 2018-03-01 Changes: - Merged a pull request from the helpful vctgross which patched some files for 0.16.
Version: 0.4.1 Date: 2017-07-01 Bugfixes: - Shifted fast RTG recycling to chemplants to fix a handcrafting bug - added a setting to shift it to centrifuges instead.
Version: 0.4.0 Date: 2017-06-04 Changes: - Added pressure cylinders - converted portable fusion reactors to run on compressed deuterium.
Version: 0.3.0 Date: 2017-06-03 Changes: - Reduced standard RTG size by half and scaled output down by 20% - reduced RTG Array ingredients and output - added a new Fast RTG that loses capacity over time.
Version: 0.2.0 Date: 2017-06-02 Changes: - Increased default fusion reactor output by 50% - Created a startup setting for reactor output - Rebalanced fusion fuel recipes - Removed workaround for generator heat capacity bug.
Version: 0.1.0 Date: 2017-06-01 Changes: - Initial release.