Factorio Earth deprecated

by hyspeed

**NOTE**: I have released Cities of Earth 2 (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/CitiesOfEarth2) which doesn't need this mod. (I should probably deprecate both of them.) :) Mod that changes the world generation to be a map of Earth. This mod only overrides the generated tiles. Ore, biters, trees and other entities will still be randomly generated.

3 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

g limit generation to nauvis

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

this will work great with Space Exploration mod. other surfaces should be untouched;

3 years ago

i tested the following:

local function on_chunk_generated(event)
    local surface = event.surface
    if (surface.name == 'nauvis')
            local lt = event.area.left_top
            local rb = event.area.right_bottom

            local w = rb.x - lt.x   
            local h = rb.y - lt.y
        --    print("Chunk generated: ", lt.x, lt.y, w, h)

            local tiles = {} 
            for y = lt.y-1, rb.y do
                for x = lt.x-1, rb.x do
                    table.insert(tiles, {name=get_world_tile_name(x + spawn.x, y + spawn.y), position={x,y}})
3 years ago

I put that change in place. Let me know if you need more.
Also, at first, I didn't realize this was for Earth, not Cities. I was confused as heck. :p

3 years ago

thanks, perfect.

New response