
FactorioChem Proof-of-Concept puzzle mod - SpaceChem in Factorio. SpaceChem by Zachtronics Industries. Design and shape molecules in 2D space within the confines of a single item slot.

1 year, 3 months ago
Logistics Manufacturing


Version: 1.1.2
Date: 2023-11-11
    - Fixed underground belt and splitter recipes not getting enabled
Version: 1.1.1
Date: 2023-11-10
    - Moved Molecule Detector to be unlocked by its own (cheap) technology to better alert players that it exists
    - Added a setting to modify how many science packs each of the recipes produce
  Ease of use:
    - Added button next to "Examples" label that loads an example into the demo
    - Added buttons to copy the main reaction to the Demo reaction and vice versa
    - Show molecule contents for simple molecules in the Molecule Reaction GUI
    - Add examples with complex molecules, only shown when settings allow complex molecules
    - More Tips-and-Tricks entries
      - Demo copy buttons
      - Molecule Reaction buildings
      - Sorting molecules with filter inserters and splitters
    - Fixed sorter demos not working with the default comparatison selector state
    - Added a workaround to be able to pipette-select a building ghost if it's behind a building-settings ghost
    - Fixed Intra-Molecule Mutator ignoring a target fusion catalyst if the selector wasn't specified
    - Fixed buildings getting built/revived/destroyed by other scripts (for mods that raise script_raise_*** events)
    - Moved the removal of the "logistics" technology to data-updates.lua for compatibility with mods that use it as a prerequisite technology in data.lua
Version: 1.1.0
Date: 2023-10-12
  Minor Features:
    - Molecule builder
      - Design molecules with a custom UI to select atoms and bonds
      - Get a close-up look a molecule from one of the science ingredients or a molecule from one of the products of a Moleculifier recipe
      - Import a molecule into the builder from your inventory, a Molecule Reaction input or output, or the printer input field
      - Copy the resulting molecule item to a demo slot or the printer input field
      - The state of the builder is saved and loaded
    - Added recipe to delete the Molecule Absorber
  Ease of use:
    - Added Tips-and-Tricks entries
    - Improved descriptions for simple molecules
Version: 1.0.2
Date: 2023-05-12
  Minor Features:
    - Allow complex molecules in demo inputs
    - Show complex contents in reaction GUI tooltips
    - Fix reloading saves with reactions that use complex molecules
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 2023-05-10
    - Fix updates on invalid entities in the map editor
    - Don't try to do GUI stuff before the first tick in the map editor
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2023-05-01
    - Initial version