Fully Automated Rail Layer

Fully automated rail-layer

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

i Add support for Multiple Unit Train Control

5 years ago

I decided to add the MU FARL after all, if you want to support it on your end. All you need to do is change FARL.lua:240 to:

''if loco.name == "farl" or (game.active_mods["MultipleUnitTrainControl"] and loco.name == "farl-mu") then''

5 years ago

Will be added in the next update (maybe tomorrow)

Your change to not kick players out when replacing locos will cause the gui to disappear if the player is in a FARL, but that is my problem. They will just have to get out and back in to fix it until i manage to do it on my side.

5 years ago

You must be following my source on GitHub. I was planning to release the player-reinsertion update today and was surprised you knew about it.

There's not some event I could trigger that would make it transparent to you, is there?

5 years ago

Okay, MU Control 0.1.7 will work with FARL as soon as you release the next update. Thanks!

5 years ago

I think Factorio already triggers on_driver_changed_state, it's most likely just a matter of adding a new condition to my handler for it.

New response