Fully Automated Rail Layer fixed for SE 0.6

by madmath

Fully automated rail-layer (fixed for SE 0.6)

2 years ago
2 years ago
Latest Version:
4.1.3 (2 years ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
5.34K users


Fixed for Space Exploration 0.6

Original mod by Choumiko available here. All credits for the awesome work should go to Choumiko.

This version only adds this fix for a crash with Space Exploration 0.6, but is otherwise identical to the original mod.

Migration warning

If you're migrating from the original FARL mod to this one on an existing save, you will lose in-game FARL settings. All FARL entities (locomotives & FARL modules) will be migrated properly and should remain in the save, but you will need to reimport your blueprints into FARL and reconfigure all in-game settings (this is a limitation of the Factorio modding API). Plan accordingly.

Original description

(Fully Automated Rail Layer)

  • Places rails, signals, electric poles, concrete, etc. while driving
  • Customizable placement of poles, multiple parallel tracks, lamps, turrets etc. with blueprints
  • Bulldozer mode: removes rails,signals, poles, lamps, walls behind the train
  • Maintenance mode: removes rails,signals, poles, lamps, walls in front of the train, places new layout
  • Removes trees and stone rocks that are in the way (and adds 1 wood/tree, 15 stone/rock to cargo)
  • Place rails on water if the train has concrete loaded
  • Connects poles with red/green wires
  • Cruise control: keeps the speed at ~87km/h (full speed when not placing rails) without pressing W, deactivate by pressing S
  • For modders: Support for modded "compound" entities (Modders take a look at Mod support below)
  • Support for modded rails, changeable via the settings


Look at the forums
FARL Autopilot


  • Press J (default) to toggle trains between automatic and manual mode when inside a train

Console commands

  • You have to be in a FARL for them to work
  • /farl_read_bp /farl_clear_bp /farl_vertical_bp /farl_diagonal_bp

Mod support

Modded rails should work out of the box, as soon as updating FARL to at least 1.0.6

There are 2 remote functions to tell FARL whether it should raise on_robot_built_entity/on_robot_pre_mined events for a specific entity:
- remote.call("farl", "add_entity_to_trigger", "entity-name")

If FARL should no longer keep on raising the events use this command (probably never):
- remote.call("farl", "remove_entity_from_trigger", "entity-name")

To make it work just add FARL as an optional dependency in your info.json and do the remote.call in on_configuration_changed.
FARL stores the names in global and only removes them if the interface is used or the entity doesn't exist anymore (checked in on_configuration_changed)