Explosive Biters

This mod adds a nest of explosive aliens and worms! These aliens will explode on death (area damage) and spread fire. Fire spitters are also deadly burning everything! And if you see their Mother, run, run for you life! Say goodbye to your walls! Good luck! Note:Autoplace configured for hot areas found in alien-biomes mod.

21 days ago
0.16 - 2.0

g Cluster Spit Projectile should obey collision rules

1 year, 6 months ago

Hi. Here is a problem.

Rampant by default enables "Use blockable projectiles", same as Combat Mechanics Overhaul from SE suit. All make sure that until walls/shields are breached no damage gets through and projectiles just collide with first obstacle in their path. But Cluster projectiles ignore this rule and sometimes go straight into the line of turrets. Which makes some playthroughs with standard range vanilla turrets unviable.

Yeah I know there is a setting to disable cluster spit projectiles entirely. But this is actually a fun mechanic, and it would be better if its behavior just was consistent with other projectiles.

I've tested this with explosive biters, but since frost biters also mention cluster projectiles in settings I assume this is relevant to that mod as well.

2 months ago

Yeah I agree

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