Explosive Biters

This mod adds a nest of explosive aliens and worms! These aliens will explode on death (area damage) and spread fire. Fire spitters are also deadly burning everything! And if you see their Mother, run, run for you life! Say goodbye to your walls! Good luck! Note:Autoplace configured for hot areas found in alien-biomes mod.

30 days ago
0.16 - 2.0

i some adjustments, feedback

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

The percentages are applied on the base of 1 - current_evolution_factor. So for instance destroying enemy spawners in the beginning of the game results in increase of evolution factor by 0.005 (half a percent) while doing this when the evolution factor is 0.5 the increase is only 0.0025 (quarter a percent).

This also means that the evolution factor approaches 1 asymptotically - generally, increases past 0.9 or so are very slow and the number never actually reaches 1.0.

copypast from wiki, this actually means what we never able to saw end game titans? Cause lets be honest, do you ever reach 1.0 naturally? Just by playing the game, i think answer is no, same for me, i am test this by using commands and once leave single player world afk. I used MAX time factor and 0 pollution factor in generation options, so after 24 hours i reach 0.9 but then, i just give up, cause it starts to be painfully slow.

So the whole point of this "suggestion" is check all of this info (maybe i am wrong) and revise some spawn parameters for some... late game mutans.

Also can u add some adjustments for fire damage per tick? I try to balance "TurretShields" mod for itteration with your explosive spitters and really struggle, it looks like small spitters have very weak fire puddle, medium and big ones have puddles of the same strenght and behemot's puddles are rediculously strong (damage multiplayer what i use is 0.5)

6 years ago

i found this string res[11]= {"mother-explosive-spitter", {{0.98, 0.0}, {1.0, 0.05}}}
but for some reason at 0.99 i have absolutely none "mothers" maybe i am just havent test it enough?

6 years ago

Hi Ivan, in our late games here I see these beasts. Have you ever played with bobs enemies and seen its leviathan? The fact is that the probability of one of these appear is very low, not like the normal biters. They are very strong, so this percentage should be really low. But they appear sometimes, after 0.96 is reached. Mother in .98. I usually play death world. But you are right, the the evolution advances too slowly in late game...

6 years ago

No i play with my own mod pack, its just a collection of mods what based on vanilla, but played on specific world settings. This mod pack almost never overlap/override vanilla stuff and just add some more features. Still i don't get why fire puddles have different strenghts, especially the behemot ones, it' just to hard to balance countermeasure for them. This turret shields can be balanced to protect against the strongest fire puddles, but they become OP against medium ones. I can tell more about this mod pack and whole idea if u interested.

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