Explosive Biters

This mod adds a nest of explosive aliens and worms! These aliens will explode on death (area damage) and spread fire. Fire spitters are also deadly burning everything! And if you see their Mother, run, run for you life! Say goodbye to your walls! Good luck! Note:Autoplace configured for hot areas found in alien-biomes mod.

25 days ago
0.16 - 2.0

i Friendly Fire

6 years ago

This mod is nice, this is what exactly alien forces needs to breach your turteling, but, there is slight issue with friendly fire from exposions(and also firepuddles), can you add a settings what "disallow friendly fire from same forces" like it made in mode "Rampant". Or maybe even in "MoreBiters" - there is no FF between aliens by default (at least looks like it). I also found this mod is great for Rampant withhot "enable new mutants" option, cause all these new aliens mostly a trash, all they need is YOUR explosive biter, fire spitters, end game titans and even with friendly fire they able to demolish almost every defence line

6 years ago

Hi Ivan, thanks for sharing your impressions.
Please try the updated version =)

6 years ago

thank you very much! :)

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