Endgame Combat

by Reika

Adds more powerful combat capability to keep up with numerous and/or powerful enemies and huge biter bases.

2 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Possible to disable alien drops for deconstruction midgame?

7 years ago

Possible to disable alien drops for deconstruction midgame? Forgot to set that when I started and now it is really biting me in the ass. I adjusted the mod-settings.json on the server and it displays that it isnt on, but it looks like the robots are still gathering.

7 years ago

I have the same problem and its killing my bots! they fly out from the nearest roboport and try to pick it up while the aliens are attacking. I place walls on the outer edge of the roboport construction area but the tissue drops on the wall and the same problem occurs - if the walls are any further out then they don't get repaired. Both options are disabled "Mark alien drops for deconstruction" and "Bite/Spitter units drop tissue".