Endgame Combat

by Reika

Adds more powerful combat capability to keep up with numerous and/or powerful enemies and huge biter bases.

2 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

b Loading error, compound ammo recipe unlock

7 years ago

line58 prototypes/item/compound-ammo.lua
"Tech set to unlock recipe 'initial-wood-mutation', which does not exist?!"

Appears to be an intentional error case, but prevents the game from loading. I strongly suspect a mod interaction issue but I am running enough mods that it is probably not worth investigating manually. I can work around it by swapping the error with a 'break', but I have no idea what side effects that could have.

If you want the full mod list anyway, or want me to run an alternate version with expanded logging then let me know.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

That fix should work fine. Basically the compound ammo inserts itself into the tech that unlocks its basic ammo counterpart, and apparently you also have a (probably unrelated) tech that unlocks a nonexistent recipe (which is an error on their end). You should find the mod at fault and report their error.