Endgame Combat

by Reika

Adds more powerful combat capability to keep up with numerous and/or powerful enemies and huge biter bases.

2 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g turret range boost 2 crash.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Every time this research starts, the game freezes.
I'll check whether it's because of my research queue mod, but I assume not.

7 years ago

Your title does not match your description, and I did the research myself and it worked fine.

7 years ago

fixed my first description. tried without research queue. crashed again with turret range boost research.
this mod isn't heavy for my PC is it?

7 years ago

fixed my first description. tried without research queue. crashed again with turret range boost research.

What is your crash? Do you have something special modifying turrets or something?

this mod isn't heavy for my PC is it?

Not normally, no.

7 years ago

the crash is that the game just freezes and since waiting half an hour didn't help. I chose to shut it down using Windows Task Manager. And I don't have any mods that change anything associated with my defenses. I could list them if you want to know them?

7 years ago

A freeze and a crash are not the same thing. But the only other thing I can think of: How big was your world?

7 years ago

The base itself is about 3000 by 3000 (blocks?)

7 years ago

That sounds...massive. And perhaps the cause. How many turrets are there?

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

4.9K? xD that's laser turrets. with about 2k normal turrets..
But without the mod it works fine. Not even a stutter in all of my games. The only reason I can think of why it becomes to heavy is that it has to do the calculation for every turret separately. isn't it easier if that calculation is done once for all of them? or am I suggesting things that aren't possible?

7 years ago

I mean this is only 60 roboports wide.. Why make 20 bases if you can make 1 big one :)

7 years ago

I think your issue might be the sheer number of turrets. Every time you update the range research they all need to be upgraded. This cannot be avoided, and must take some minimum amount of time, per turret.

7 years ago

damn... Yeah I don't think my computer can handle that..

7 years ago

I have tested it on large bases, but not memetic "megabase" "1 rocket per minute" setups, as my worlds never last that long and it is not feasible to make one for the sake of testing.

7 years ago

Is it usefull to have my save? https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtGB7Iu13Uhmg2cMPxVn7IeDuKHL

7 years ago

Not really, no. That said, I have an idea.

7 years ago

Can you take this to the GitHub?