Endgame Combat

by Reika

Adds more powerful combat capability to keep up with numerous and/or powerful enemies and huge biter bases.

2 years ago
0.15 - 1.1
This mod 3 From other mods 39
Dependency types:
Default 20 Required 20 Conflict 0 Optional 8 Hidden 11
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 76.3K
martincitopants-space-modpack-no_hr 2.16K
space-modpack 1.86K
martincitopants-space-modpack 1.65K
martincitopants-space-modpack-seoh-fixed 1.39K
as2_krastorio >= 1.105.1 1.05K
as2_krastorio_SE >= 1.152.1 343
space-modpack-Snacklee-Fork 167
MeteorDefenseFix >= 1.105.1 153
jcrneep-space-modpack 84
space-modpack-mewthecrazy 84
AAA-forEndGame 59
Mania_krastorio >= 1.105.1 48
kermitihouqlfmodpack >= 1.105.1 29
rafal-rubaj-modpack 21
bztitanium 46.6K
Tantalite 6.09K
IntermediatesForYou 5.92K
ChemistryForYou 5.64K
LootChestUPS >= 1.105.1 2.88K
LootChestPlusPlus >= 1.0.181 8
Last dependency data update: 3 hours ago (for v1.152.1)