Fulgoran enemies

Feeling alone on Fulgora? Not anymore... This mod adds enemies on Fulgora

2 months ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
4 months ago
Latest Version:
0.1.4 (2 months ago)
Factorio version:
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3.99K users

On the vast wasteland of Fulgora, you have established a forward base. At first, you could do little against the planet’s violent storms, but over time, you have gradually mastered the energy of these lightning strikes. Yet, even so, a sense of loneliness continues to press upon you, quietly spreading through your heart like an invisible weight.

Standing by the ruins, you observe the remnants of an ancient civilization. They have left behind countless ruins and power collectors, but there seems to be nothing else to match their grandeur. Where did they go? How did they disappear? These questions remain an unsolved mystery.

You’ve grown accustomed to the frequent storms on this planet, but tonight’s lightning feels different. From a distance, beams of light pierce through the darkness, casting a cold, eerie glow over your factory. This is no natural phenomenon. You fix your gaze on the source of the light, and suddenly, several glaring electrical arcs strike your carefully constructed factory. The violent surge of power seems to announce something...

In a panic, you rush to establish a defense system, but the situation grows more urgent by the second. The rhythmic sound of mechanical footsteps reaches your ears from the distance. As the pace quickens, gunfire soon follows. You quickly realize that a massive mechanical army is advancing toward you. Their steps are firm, the heavy sound of their machinery pounding the ground. You widen your eyes in realization—these enemies are far more deadly than you anticipated.

You try to reassess the enemy’s strengths, but there’s little time left. Their speed is astonishing, and they seem unaffected by the lightning, becoming even more ferocious in the storm. You begin to understand: these robots weren’t just randomly deployed here; they are the legacy of the planet’s past civilization. Now out of control, they will only continue to replicate themselves endlessly until all resources are exhausted...


  • A unit replicator that prints flyind drones and walker droids
  • Flyind drones attack with electric beam
  • Walker droids are armed with machine gun
  • They are immune to lightning, of course
  • Drop scrap on death

Environment feature:

  • When hit by a lightning, units are temporaly boosted in speed and damage
  • When a spawner is hit by a lightning, it boosts neaby units
  • A tough enemy guardian is spawned when a fulgoran vault is disturbed




  • by Tserup (thank you)
  • Some graphics modified from Hurricane046’s work