Electric Trains

Adds electric trains.

a month ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Feedback on Electric Trains mod

1 year, 11 months ago

This mod is really nice. It is possible to use electric locomotives without any charging infrastructure. Something that other electric train mods don't have.

However there is one really non intuitive moment. Charging only works when train is in "Waiting" state in auto mode. It only happens when train is basically loading. If train is just waiting for destination to open or in no path state or any other state - charging does not work.

One other consequence is player can not drive or charge the train. This is really inconvenient to either carry a regular fuel train or carry some batteries for electric train.

Would be cool to hook up the charging script to other train states and also player controlled situation too.

1 year, 9 months ago

It was a deliberate choice to only have direct charging work when the train is in auto mode at a station, since I figured that would be the vast majority of use cases. It also simplified the logic. I don't think I'd ever do charging while a train is moving, but it might be possible to have the train try to charge whenever it stops in one place, regardless of mode.

1 year, 7 months ago

Yeah whenever it is just standing would be great. Because right now player can not ride it because of this issue.

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