Electric Trains

Adds electric trains.

a month ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Very limited action radius in mid-end game.

6 years ago

Heya, I'm really liking the mod and have been using it extensively. I do end up with a problem towards the mid and end game where the action radius is just too small, even with batteries.

I wish there were mid and end-game upgrades for electric trains, batteries or perhaps both. I am simply forced to move on to normal trains with Nuclear fuel; 1.21GJ * 3 lasts immensely longer than an electric train with 10 battery packs.

I am hoping for a better MK2/3 train and/or better batteries. Ideally both because it is just a lot of fun to upgrade things, but if that's not within your vision of the mod then I can understand. Having nuclear and/or fusion batteries (That would have very high crafting costs similar to nuclear fuel, but because it's rechargable, perhaps 20x the production cost?) would really help with railworld maps. Perhaps the MK2/3 train could be slightly faster and/or have a higher base capacity unless you want to transfer that to the higher batteries. Perhaps you'd like MK2 work only on nuclear and MK3 only on fusion to keep things challenging?

As it stands now, playing on railworld maps makes these trains run out of energy before they can reach their destination when they don't even have to run over a particularly large distance.

6 years ago

Glad to hear you're enjoying it! I've been thinking about that, I noticed electric trains need to spend a decent amount of time at train stops in order to charge up, which makes them really unsuited for very busy routes where they can't stop at a charging point for long enough. Adding higher tier electric trains isn't going to help with that, so I will probably just increase the charging speed of the train stop.

I am surprised that their range isn't sufficient though. I assumed as long as you can make it on a single charge, the stop on the other end can still charge the locomotive up. Just how large is the world you're playing on?

I could add some kind of heavy duty battery pack, I suppose.

6 years ago

How many tiles long are your hauling routes? What about putting in charging stations in the cardinal directions and relaying through them?
Or warehouses to swap the load from one train to another and keep individual route lengths down?

While I don't think batteries should hold a candle to nuclear power, the stock trains can hold 1.2 GJ (4MJ1003) worth of raw wood, and the batteries should be at least in the same ballpark as that.

5 years ago

I wonder how difficult it would be to add a special battery car to increase the available charge? Might be a limitation of the base game but it would be an interesting trade-off for using electric trains if you had to increase the length of the train to increase its range.

2 months ago

Doesn't adding another loco to the trains already increase range? I guess with diminishing returns, as the locos also add weight.

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