Edit-Blueprints deprecated

by V453000

Editing blueprints while preserving their name and settings.

4 years ago

b Game hangs for several minutes every time I use the blueprint editor

4 years ago

I love the functionality of this mod, it SHOULD prevent me from having to save and go into /editor every time I want to build a new blueprint, but I'm having an issue with the game hanging for several minutes every time I try to use it. Is this normal? I have a medium-sized end game base and the only other mod that I have installed is Industrial Revolution (updated to current experimental version by myself).

When I click the button, the game freezes and I pretty much just have to wait it out for a few minutes, and it slows down my entire computer - Chrome also hangs frequently when this is happening.

Also minor suggestion, I think it would be great if you could use the mod starting from an empty blueprint. Otherwise what I've done to start from scratch is just blueprint a single assembler to get it loaded into the editor.

4 years ago

Oh wow, could you please post the save and/or the blueprint string that you're trying to do t his with?

4 years ago

Here is the save file - https://drive.google.com/file/d/14aIsbY08ssRKXv8XjPwwx2qZv0KQmKUq/view?usp=sharing

It's an industrial revolution map so in order to load it you have to have an up to date IR copy, and I've also changed the yellow science pack to take high-capacity batteries instead of normal batteries. I won't rule out that it was something stupid that I did to the mod pack since I'm not a programmer, I just did whatever it took to make the errors go away when the game was loading. But it happens with every blueprint I try to load into the editor, even just a single assembler.

4 years ago

Ugh, I don't think I'm going to try to fix IR for 0.18

4 years ago

Alright, thanks for the mod anyways, I'm still praying that Deadlock has a change of heart and comes back around.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Since I do eventually want to share this map, I took a fresh install of IR and kept track of the minimum changes I had to do to get it updated, it's not much:

- info.json
- Update 0.17.79 -> 0.18

  • find in "code" directory "character-logistic"
    • delete all lines of code that contain mentions of character logistic slots/trash slots
  • This will disable personal logistics. Unfortunately I do not know how to recover personal logistics functionality.

  • find in entities-power.lua "iron-battery-generator

    • change type from "generator" to "burner-generator"
    • Change "horizontal_animation" to "animation"
    • delete "vertical_animation" code block

-find in functions-icons.lua "vanilla_icon_override"
-delete "/mip/" from directory string

- find in recipes-vanilla.lua "utility-science-pack"
- change {"battery", 2} to {"advanced-battery", 1}

4 years ago

I'll try to have a look, thanks!

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I have kept trying to use the mod, despite the issues I am having with it, because I do like it... but the problem has been getting worse, and it gets to the point where the game locks up completely and refuses to save. If I open the Windows Task Manager after I click the blueprint edit button with blueprint on the cursor, I can watch the memory allocation for Factorio climb from ~1.8gb average up to 6.5gb in a matter of seconds. If the autosave comes up while I'm editing a blueprint then it will hang and never progress past 0%, I have to force close the game.

I'm not sure what has changed since the last time I posted where it has gone from being "problematic" to being "completely unusable." But I've uploaded another save in case you are interested in investigating this issue further. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oitLLvHIxlmKfmTg4YSlzeZ6sJhJc1Rc/view?usp=sharing

4 years ago

I'd love to see your save but IR doesn't load for me, something about icon mipmaps out of image bounds. I might try to fix it later but I'm honestly not every interested in trying to make an unsupported mod load.

New response