Edit-Blueprints deprecated

by V453000

Editing blueprints while preserving their name and settings.

4 years ago

g Awesome mod, but what about red/green wires?

4 years ago

Awesome mod, this is exactly what I requested on the forum one day!
But where are the:
1. red/green wires?
2. ctrl+c/ctrl+x/ctrl+v cursors inside the editor?

I couldn't use any of these in the editor, so I guess they are not possible at all?
Thanks for making this mod, you're a savior.

4 years ago

Oh you just need to be in the "None" mode and you can use R/G wires if you put some in your editor's inventory, and Ctrl+C/V/X should just work in that mode as well.

4 years ago

Ah great, thanks for the directions!

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