Dispatcher: dispatch trains to chosen stations with signals

Adds a new train station (Dispatcher) that dispatches waiting trains to a station when a dispatch virtual signal is received (target station ID is provided via the signal).

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0
Trains Circuit network

b Disabled Stations

6 years ago

I believe that I have found a couple of bugs centered around disabled stations.

  1. If a station is disabled while the train is at it (based upon a condition being met i.e. water in storage tank > 20k) the train schedule is not updated to remove the station when the train leaves the station as it does if the station is enabled.

  2. If a train is waiting a dispatcher station, and receives the appropriate signal to send a train to a valid station and the station is disabled, the dispatcher sends the train rather than holding it.

The concept of this mod is really cool, adds just the right amount of functionality without being too cheaty like LTN. I look forward to using this mod in all future maps I play. Thanks for creating this mod and maintaining it.

6 years ago

I ended up using an SR Latch to update signal appropriately. I think the disabling station is a simpler approach (no need for running all the red or green wires). But there is a way to work with mod to dispatch appropriately. It would be great if disabling stations was a viable option. Thank you for your consideration.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Thank you for reporting this. I have indeed neglected to test the mod with disabled stations.

I have been able to reproduce and fix 2., but I am not able to reproduce 1. On my different test maps, when a train is waiting at a station after being dispatched and the station has its state changed to disabled (via signal), when the train finally leaves the station its schedule is updated accordingly (station removed from schedule, exactly as for enabled stations).
Could you maybe detail a bit more what is happening in 1., or maybe share a map so that I can reproduce the bug?

Also, be careful with disabled stations. If a train is dispatched to a station, and the station gets disabled while the train is en route, the train may be stuck on the rails if there is no path to the next station from where the train is stopped.

Again, thank you.

6 years ago

A new version of the mod is available (1.0.2), it should fix all the issues with disabled stations.

New response