Dirt Path

by Mylon

Heavily trafficked areas will change over time.

2 months ago
0.14 - 2.0

i Interaction with Autodrive

1 year, 6 months ago

Hi! I've got a request to make Autodrive compatible with Dirt Path. In case you're interested, I've already added a new custom event to my mod (publishing a list of all vehicles moved by Autodrive, raised in on_tick iff it has moved any vehicles).

Some days ago I've sent you a PM on the forums, with a copy of my WIP version. Of course, I'd be open to any suggestions you may have! (I think that my approach may not be the most efficient one because it will raise too many events. Perhaps it would be better to announce whenever Autodrive starts/stops to take control of a vehicle, but then you'd have to check yourself whether any vehicles have moved.)

New response