Deadlock beltbox crate-Space Exploration bridge

by Mernom

Provides stacking and or crating recipes for some Space Exploration items. Now compatible with SE v0.6!

1 year, 7 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Game Errors on Load with SE 0.6.111

1 year, 7 months ago

I get the following error [] when loading up the game with space-exploration_0.6.111 and not space-exploration_0.6.108. With SE 0.6.108 the boots up as normal, and I can load saves normally.

1 year, 7 months ago

Can you post the log file?

1 year, 7 months ago

Here is the Pastebin

Many Thanks.

1 year, 7 months ago

Could you get a minimal reproduction modlist? Disable half of your modlist, see if the issue happens, it yes, disable half of the leftover, rinse and repeat

1 year, 7 months ago

Looking into the code, it looks like it's more likely to be an issue with the stacking mod trying to stack an item with no subgroup set. Since it lists my mod as the cause, it means some other mod removed the subgroup of an item I'm stacking, most likely.

1 year, 7 months ago

I found that just removing the mod YARM and keeping everything else would fix the error and nothing seems to have gone wrong yet. However, with some more testing, it seems that having a bare bones mod list and adding YARM also boots up to the main menu so that doesn't seem to be the root cause.

1 year, 4 months ago

It looks like YARM adds dummy ores, whose icons are used by its selection tool. Adding any valid subgroup to them fixes the issue, but I'm not sure why this mod is trying to stack them in the first place.

local ore_items = {}

for name, proto in pairs(data.raw.resource) do
    ore_items[#ore_items + 1] = {
        type = 'item',
        stack_size = 1,
        flags = { 'hidden' },

        name = 'YARM-fake-' ..,
        icon = proto.icon or nil,
        icons = proto.icons or nil,
        icon_size = proto.icon_size or nil,

        place_result =,

1 year, 3 months ago

It looks like YARM adds dummy ores, whose icons are used by its selection tool. Adding any valid subgroup to them fixes the issue, but I'm not sure why this mod is trying to stack them in the first place.

local ore_items = {}

for name, proto in pairs(data.raw.resource) do
ore_items[#ore_items + 1] = {
type = 'item',
stack_size = 1,
flags = { 'hidden' },

    name = 'YARM-fake-' ..,
    icon = proto.icon or nil,
    icons = proto.icons or nil,
    icon_size = proto.icon_size or nil,

    place_result =,


Hey gaxlr, what exactly have you added here?

1 year, 3 months ago

Sorry, missed the notification here. Adding subgroup = 'raw-resource' would do it, as would just commenting out the data:extend (doesn't affect much).

That said, the issue is fixed as of today via Stacked_Mining 1.2.4, which was apparently the mod triggering stacking of the fake ores:

    - Added a check to only try to stack resources if there is a valid prototype

New response