Deadlock beltbox crate-Space Exploration bridge

by Mernom

Provides stacking and or crating recipes for some Space Exploration items. Now compatible with SE v0.6!

1 year, 4 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Crash in existing world

3 years ago

Got a crash, this doesn't happen in a fresh world, but when I added this mod to an existing SE + K2 world I have, it threw up this error report.

3 years ago

You can disable the loader fix script, it won't replace non-space loaders that were placed on space with white ones, but it will prevent the code from running.

3 years ago

I forgot to properly create the table on init... Should be fixed now.

If you want to run the loader replacment script, set the mod setting to on configuration changed, load the map after making a change to your mods (updating a mod should work too), then you can change the setting to on init or to off.

3 years ago

Crashed on save-load today. Disabling the loader replacement script changed error to this one:

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