Deadlock beltbox crate-Space Exploration bridge

by Mernom

Provides stacking and or crating recipes for some Space Exploration items. Now compatible with SE v0.6!

1 year, 7 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Mod does not recognize current SE Mod

4 years ago


After the current update, this mod no longer works.
It does not recognize the installed SE-Mod. SE's texture mod is also not recognized.
For me it looked like only the version numbers of the SE mods were wrong. I adapted it with the current SE version.
Then Factorio didn't even start because of any conflict.
I had to load an older version of this mod into my game save.
I hope you can solve the problem quickly.


4 years ago

This version requires the beta version of SE, which is not on the portal atm. You can get it from Earandel's discord.

4 years ago

Why doesn't Earandel publish his new mod here on this portal?
Unfortunately I cannot speak English. That's why I can't come to Earandel's Discord ...
Then unfortunately I have to do without the new beta ...: /

4 years ago

The mod will be published here, once it's tested enough to not break anyone's game.
There's no real requierment to speak in the discord, you just join, go to the se-v3-temp channel, and download it from the pinned message.

If you're playing on 0.2, there is no need to update this mod, as the previous version is mostly feature complete for 0.2.

4 years ago

I'm not quite sure now that I understood you completely correctly ...
I play the latest published version of SE here.
Or do you mean your mod? Has your latest version no innovations compared to the previous one?
I have version 0.2.19 of your mod.

I know what "beta" means. But ... I prefer to wait until it is published. I play with a large collection of mods. I've come a long way in the game. Not that my game breaks because of a bug ...
Besides, it's rude if I come to Earandel's Discord and don't speak to anyone ...

4 years ago

well, if you prefer to wait for it to be officially published on the portal, that's up to you. Until then, you don't need this update - use the previous version of my mod.

4 years ago

Yes I will do that.
The only previous version that is available for download is the 0.2.19 I already mentioned. All of the following are for beta, right?
(So 0.2.-20, 21, 22, 24.)

4 years ago


4 years ago

Ah, okay. Thanks!
Can you tell me when the beta of SE will be released? Did Earandel say anything?

4 years ago

Plan is to get the compatibility with major mods done, and then release. Currently Earandel works with the K2 team to get those two to play nice together.

4 years ago

That makes sense ...
Krastorio 2 is also included in my mod package.
I will wait until all mod developers have adjusted their versions.
Which modders still belong to this group?
I only know: You, Earandel, shanemadden, Linver & Krastor. Any other good mods that play well together?

4 years ago

I like Mylon's stuff. Also Schall's.

4 years ago

Mylon and Schall? I currently only use bot servicing from Mylon.
And I also use some of Schall.
Schall has quite a few mods. Since I don't know which might disturb the balance to Krastorio 2, I only use a few.

4 years ago

From mylon, Peppermint mining allows mining using construction bots.
Prospecting allows you to make ore patches return more value after enrichment, at the cost of them being worse at the start. His other mods also look interesting, but I didn't have an opportunity to try them.

Schall's stuff, I wouldn't know if it's suitable for k2, I've never tried it. But it might work for a more vanilla pack. I especially like the rechargeable weapons mod.

4 years ago

Yes, I know the Peppermint Mining Mod. I had tried it once. Somehow it didn't work so well for me.
Well, overall, the classic miners are more efficient.
On the one hand you can research efficiency, on the other hand the bots use more energy than the classic miners.
And they have no mining efficiency.
I always try to trim my base effectively.
I also thought about the Prospector Mod ... Sounds good. And it has some realism.
Mylon has some interesting sounding mods.
Everbuild, for example. Makes construction work take a while.
But only if the drones build buildings.
I didn't take a closer look at the others.

I'm not really sure whether the mods from Schall really fit Krastorio. The Schall sniper rifle is weaker than the Krastorio precision rifle.
The sniper turret doesn't do much damage either.
I haven't researched the tanks yet. At the moment I don't quite get a taste for it. Only the energy weapon that you mentioned appears to be powerful.
I think you are right. Schall's Mods are more suitable for Vanilla.

4 years ago

Different mods have different definitions of baseline balance. Mods with differing definitions won't play that well together, one will usually render the other obsolete, unless the other dives into fields the first doesn't touch.

This is one issue with balancing SE and K2 actually, most of the K2 versions of stuff are just superior to SE's.

4 years ago

It reminds me of an earlier and different game of mine. Since the "Will-o-the-Wisps" mod did not work. I also couldn't build UV lamps. That was a conflict with "Industrial Revolution", I think.
Now in the current game with Krastorio 2, I have a few mods that bring similar functions that are already included in Krastorio 2. Schall is such a mod package. The weapons.
Not only Schall brings cannon turrets.. Another cannon mod also brings similar turrets.
I am currently trying to find out which of the mods is best.
I don't use the mod, which I think disturbs the balance, or Krastorio 2 itself. And remove it.
The automation core is such a K2 item. If another mod needs this to be able to make it, I believe in compatibility. And a few other mods need this core.

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