Deadlock beltbox-AAI Industry bridge

by Mernom

Provides stacking and\or crating recipes for some AAI industry items.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Some icons are being set as 64px when they are actually 32px

5 years ago

As reported by @shanemaddon at

Looks like this is caused by the Deadlock-AAII-bridge mod, specifically only when DeadlockCrating is loaded. It's sending an icon size of 64 to crating when some of the underlying icons are actually 32 px.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

which icons?
all of the items I'm adding to the crating list should have 64 size icons. are you using the correct aai version?

If it launched properly with the beltboxes mod, can you run it and see the load order of the mods on stacked glass?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

OK, I've taken a look at it, and I think I got a solution. I've added an optional dependency for the Bob stacking mod, to prevent duplicate glass cratihg recipes, but with that one it actually run even without any intervention on my part (batting said duplicate recipe).
For now, use the Bob stacking mod if you use my mod to prevent crashing.

I don't know how to prevent it from crashing without it atm.
Dependency update will be up within 12 hours.

5 years ago

Actually, I came up with a better fix. If bobplates is on, glass is off my stacking list completely.

New response