I'm having trouble with a few mods, it may not be possible or not your problem; but I am trying to get these mods to work together to add a big challenge with the fun of Krastorio 2, if possible.
Big Mods: Krastroio 2, Space Exploration.
Medium Mods: Cractorio Base Pack, Rampant, Exploration Extreme Modpack.
Small Mods: ArmoredBiters, Cold Biters, Explosive Biters, Lighted Electric Poles +, bottleneck lite, squeak through.
Possible Optional mods: Rampant Arsenal, Rampant: Heavy Walls, Fluid Must Flow, Helmod.
So you need me to download Krastiro 2 first and then Cractorio Base Pack, then I need to disable to 5 mods you mentioned above if they show up on the list before I install Space Exploration. Is that the right order? What is AAI?
(sorry for my noobishment, I'm just trying to bring out the maximum potential for Krastorio 2 and make the bugs an all-game stage threat before I tryout Bobs or Angel Overhauls.)