Compact Power Reloaded

by OwnlyMe

Lime's compact power. Updated and rebalanced. (Higher tier solar panels and accumulators)

3 months ago
0.17 - 2.0


Version: 2.0.2
    - The exponent setting works as intended now
    - Default settings are a bit easier now
    - Fixed a weird bug with some mod that was setting planet.solar_power_in_space to nil (-99%??)... such planets won't be touched anymore now. good luck.
Version: 2.0.1
    - Updated icons
    - Added a setting to change the solar strength in space
    - Added a price scaling setting
    - Added a price exponent setting
Version: 0.18.2
    - Changed solar panel graphics
    - Added remnants for every tier
    - Accumulators emit differently colored light now
Version: 0.18.1
    - Rebalancing
    - Added a startup setting to change how they scale, ingredients are dynamically calculated now
    - Added an api to market2 to recalculate the prices when the scaling was changed
    - Solar panels and accumulators have their own group now
    - Added fast-replaceable groups to accumulators and solar panels
    - New graphics for accumulators & vanilla solar panel
    - Upgrade planner support