Frost Biters

Adds a nest of Frost Aliens and Worms! These aliens will cause frost damage, and may launch a frost cloud over your factory. Defeated aliens will drop artifacts that can be further processed into weapons and armors (optional). With Alien-biomes, nests will only spawn in cold areas.

a month ago
0.17 - 2.0
This mod 3 From other mods 96
Dependency types:
Default 64 Required 39 Conflict 0 Optional 44 Hidden 13
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 225K
planetorio_expansion_planets 13.0K
warptorio2_expansion >= 1.1.3 11.3K
Mining-Space-Industries-II >= 1.1.4 9.62K
hmm-c-enemies >= 1.1.2 3.94K
dea-dia-system 2.27K
Alien-Chaos-modpack 1.77K
KrastorioModPack 1.51K
ColdBitersExpanded 1.13K
Cold_biters_endgame_evolution_compatibility 749
unholy_legacy >= 1.1.1 420
wood-universe-modpack 406
korhal-modpack-k2se 387
eternal-winter 352
planetorio-exploration 292
xboxxxxd_modpack 229
N-militarypack 212
k2semsi-modpack >= 1.1.2 167
fiftyshadesofgamestwitch 128
viktorious_modpack >= 1.2.1 99
se-fb-armor-resistance >= 1.2.1 99
MSI2-IR3-fix 43
Cold_biters_K2_compatibility 34
RunOfTheMonth >= 2.0.7 32
base-conserved >= 1.2.1 30
Swiftdrake 22
BigMonDs-Vanilla-Plus >= 0.18.11 16
Explosive_biters 68.1K
Big-Monsters >= 2.0.0 31.2K
enemyracemanager 19.2K
CreepCleaner 15.2K
Warp-Drive-Machine 6.26K
Warptorio2_Language_Pack >= 1.1.2 4.67K
evo_tech >= 2.0.8 3.60K
Faster_Fading_Corpses 2.89K
biter-power 2.46K
Hive_Mind_MitchPlay >= 1.1.2 2.38K
DropSciencePack >= 1.0.12 2.33K
intelligent-enemy 2.04K
Any_Japanise_Pack 1.98K
AngryBiters >= 1.2.1 1.81K
TjCuteBiters >= 2.0.0 1.73K
warptorio-space-age 1.62K
RichBlood >= 1.1.1 1.61K
rus-perevod 1.23K
NonWaveDefense2 986
Any_Title_Japanise_Pack 774
SkyWaveDefense 547
Leviathan_Biters 527
BiterShield2 >= 2.0.0 517
Ctyann_Enhanced_PowerArmor >= 1.2.1 503
HigherQuickerLongerBigger 495
zborka-mod-ru 460
N_biters_in_1 410
LaziestModPack 336
Hive_Mind_MitchPlay_Beta >= 1.1.2 309
Ctyann_Cheat_Equipments >= 2.0.0 140
123499-SE-More-Items 51
pixelencounter-server-mod 50
ManisBetterStatistics >= 2.0.0 31
NonWaveDefense 13
7DaysToDie 11
gaurdein-vanilla 5
Last dependency data update: 21 hours ago (for v2.0.9)