Circuit Power Measurement Pole deprecated

by mk-fg

[DEPRECATED] Adds Small 'Smart Meter' Electric Pole that transmits electrical network power production info to any constant combinator within its range.

4 years ago
Circuit network

g Crash with "Personal Transformer" Mod

4 years ago

When using this mod - more specifically, when placing down a Circuit Power Measurement Pole, then placing a constant combinator, and mousing over the combinator, I will reliably get a crash. It's clearly related to the "Personal Transformer" mod.

Here's a screenshot of the crash: Here's a link to the Personal Transformer mod: I'll also post a message relating to this crash in that mod's forum as well.

Hope this is helpful, and thanks.

4 years ago

Yeah, pretty sure it's same issue as in next-door thread:
I.e. some power-producing mod entities not having an icon to use as a signal for some reason.

Didn't have time to look into it yet, even though been meaning to. Thanks for report.

4 years ago

I think that mod might need some description strings, as I couldn't get it to do anything at all.
Ran research_all_technologies, consoled myself power armor mk2, fusion reactors, batteries and personal-transformer-mk3-equipment, put it all together, batteries charging and charged, transformer inserted, but nothing comes out of it into the grid, nothing comes into batteries either.
There seem to be no mod settings, no ingame descriptions, two mod toggle keys which do nothing silently when you press them... maybe I'm just too dull to figure it out though.

Guess I'll test the mod from the other thread, maybe it's more foolproof, and it's probably same bug anyway :)

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Indeed, looks like both mods were using power-producing entities which didn't have corresponding items, causing the crash, as only items can be used as signals (well, and fluids or dedicated "virtual" signals).
So I just added another special "O" signal (stands for "others") to sum all non-item invisible entities like that, which in case of this mod can be used to count how much your armor contributes to the grid.
Update to 0.0.5 and it should be fixed.

There's no good way to differentiate non-item power sources, given lack of corresponding signals for them, but as these seem to be rare mod-only things, probably not a big deal.

Again, thanks for reporting and bringing up a good example of a mod which adds such non-conventional grid energy source, which I've used in the main description for that signal as well.
Let me know if there might still be any issues.

New response