Hey, Xiomax!
Sorry for the late response. First of all, I gotta say: I love what you did :D I really do! The mod looks great and new features are awesome!
A couple of bugs:
— Buttons next to a combinator's name (go to combinator, open combinator, hide combinator) stop working if refresh rate is set to a low value (e.g. they don't work at all with the value of 1, and you'll have to click a few times, when the value is set to 7).
— Hovering over "search" and "settings" buttons produces a tooltip with "unknown key" error (more of a cosmetic issue, as the buttons themselves work fine).
— Minimizing Circuit HUD's window, alt-tabbing out of the game, alt-tabbing back to the game and maximising the mod's window again will lead to the window being eehrm... sort of a "out of bounds": https://i.imgur.com/rD1Ayrl.png
Alt-tabbing back and forth again, while the window is maximised fixes this issue.
— The button which confirms combinator's name can "un-confirm" and delete it, if you didn't actually change the combinator's name.
— Add input boxes in addition to sliders or people with OCD will find you and torture you (: Getting a specific value is hard.
— HUD Combinator's window needs a "save and close" feature. Interface of a blueprint book is a great example: if I press "enter", while editing a book's name, a new name will be saved and the window will be closed. Or I can click outside of a field (thus, saving the name) and then press "e" to close the window.
Basically, my "complaint" is that changing a combinator's name takes too many actions.
Also, the ability to rename combinators right in the mod's window could be nice: https://i.imgur.com/mNqa1ap.png
Example: https://i.stack.imgur.com/pANTi.png
If you want that I could see what I can do, and let me know if you have any suggestions!
You mean kinda like this: https://i.imgur.com/wZrBIQ4.png ?
That would be amazing :D