Circuit HUD V2

by Xiomax

Allows you to track any circuit signals in the player HUD / UI. Awesome for storage monitoring, robotics network, production flow, alerts, debugging circuit networks or power monitoring! This is a continuation of the Circuit HUD mod with many new features and can be safely installed in existing save files!

9 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Circuit network

b [Maybe fixed in v1.3.0] Mod is not fully compatible with editor

3 years ago

Destroying HUD combinators via ctrl+x and ctrl+d shortcuts or using the deconstruction planner on them while in /editor mode permanently breaks the mod: info from the newly built HUD combinators won't be displayed in the HUD window.

This bug stays within a save, so the only workaround I could find was to load the save with Circuit HUD disabled, save the game, reenable the mod.

3 years ago

Thanks for the report! I will take a look at it tomorrow morning, it's 00:20 at night here, and will let you know once I have a fix!

3 years ago

@FoxLove, can you try if this is fixed in v1.2?

I haven't been able to replicate the error, so if its still there let me know

3 years ago

I just tested it in 1.2.1 version of the mod and the problem persists.
You don't need some kind of a complex setup to test this. Something as simple as this will suffice:
Constant combinator just outputs A10 and that's it.
Deleting the HUD combinator (ctrl+d this time) and adding a new one will break the mod:
If you want a vid and/or a more complete explanation — let me know.

Additional question: your mod uses game's rounding. So, a number like 16459 will be displayed as 16k. Is it possible to display the full integer?
I'm guessing not. But it'll be amazing if your mod will be able to show the whole number.

No rush. Your mod works fine in ...eeeeeeeehrm... "hormal" game mode.

3 years ago

Hey Foxlove, I have worked the past few days on a big update and have addressed the problem you're describing. I believe I have it fixed now, let me know what you think of version v1.3

Your question: your mod uses game's rounding. So, a number like 16459 will be displayed as 16k. Is it possible to display the full integer?
I'm guessing not. But it'll be amazing if your mod will be able to show the whole number.

Answer: It should be easy to implement, but I'm afraid it will overlap with other signals since it's all close to each other in the HUD. I will take a look and make it into and setting you can play around with! Expect it to be available in v1.3.1

3 years ago

I looked if it was possible and unfortunately its not, I use the "sprite-button" to show the signals and they automatically convert the number 16459 to 16k and I can't change that.


I could maybe add an option to change the view, where it would be [Signal icon] - 23.823.423 and then in a list going down.


If you want that I could see what I can do, and let me know if you have any suggestions!

3 years ago

Hey, Xiomax!
Sorry for the late response. First of all, I gotta say: I love what you did :D I really do! The mod looks great and new features are awesome!

A couple of bugs:
— Buttons next to a combinator's name (go to combinator, open combinator, hide combinator) stop working if refresh rate is set to a low value (e.g. they don't work at all with the value of 1, and you'll have to click a few times, when the value is set to 7).
— Hovering over "search" and "settings" buttons produces a tooltip with "unknown key" error (more of a cosmetic issue, as the buttons themselves work fine).
— Minimizing Circuit HUD's window, alt-tabbing out of the game, alt-tabbing back to the game and maximising the mod's window again will lead to the window being eehrm... sort of a "out of bounds":
Alt-tabbing back and forth again, while the window is maximised fixes this issue.
— The button which confirms combinator's name can "un-confirm" and delete it, if you didn't actually change the combinator's name.

— Add input boxes in addition to sliders or people with OCD will find you and torture you (: Getting a specific value is hard.
— HUD Combinator's window needs a "save and close" feature. Interface of a blueprint book is a great example: if I press "enter", while editing a book's name, a new name will be saved and the window will be closed. Or I can click outside of a field (thus, saving the name) and then press "e" to close the window.
Basically, my "complaint" is that changing a combinator's name takes too many actions.
Also, the ability to rename combinators right in the mod's window could be nice:

If you want that I could see what I can do, and let me know if you have any suggestions!

You mean kinda like this: ?
That would be amazing :D