Hello & thank you for providing support for this mod for 1.1,
I would like to suggest increasing the crafting times for the built-in-beacons' entities. After setting up a bot based mall (Shift right click entity with recipe, shift left click requester chest), all these requester chests cause an abnormal amount of ingredient requests. I.e. even just a non beaconed non moduled Assembling Machine 3 to create any of the tier 1 built-in-beacon entities will cause the game logic to request 900 modules as an ingredient.
As a Factorio dev, you're probably aware that this copy paste feature introduced in... 0.14? 0.15? started to request ingredients based on crafting times for an entity. So that's why I'm requesting the craft times to be normalized. I was happy to see that the fullspeed modules already had normalized crafting times so there was no thousands of green/red/blue chips being requested for one assembly machine.
Prior to 1.1, I was using a belt based mall to create these products so this issue didn't surface until this bot based mall.
Thank you for your continued support!