
by V453000

Adds production structures which simulate being fully beaconed, and Fullspeed productivity modules for them. Does not change any vanilla entities.

4 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

g Medium beacon setup?

4 years ago

I absolutely love this mod, since I don't like the beacon rows or grids you are normally forced to build when aiming for 1k SPM or higher.
However I would really like to see an option to switch all new buildings added by this mod to use beacon row numbers instead of beacon grids. So not 12 beacons around each building which results in a 7 beacon per building resource/power requirement (and 14 modules), but 8 beacons around each building which results in a 2 or 3 beacon resource/power requirement.

4 years ago

I could add a setting to select the amount of beacons per machine you want. The issue is, it's not the same for all entities but maybe I could just make it for 3x3 entities, 5x5, and miners/pumpjacks. That'd be feasible.

For now what you can do is unpack the mod and edit beaconed-functions.lua. There are values like global_assembling_machine_beacon_count = 12, and global_assembling_machine_average_beacon_count = 7 . You can change these to whatever you want and the mod should re-calculate everything properly.

I'll add the setting, but I'm not sure how quickly.

4 years ago

Done, I added settings for every entity type.

There's only a few options for each type as I've set the averages manually, I believe this should be enough. Let me know if you have some more ideas. :)

4 years ago

I love you even more now. I found the mod files (expertly programmed btw, to have as few magic numbers as possible) and I was wondering if I could simply modify the numbers or what that would do to my factory-in-progress or to any possible updates for this mod from you.

I'll take the wasted resources and switch asap. I'm guessing I'll have to redo parts of my factory now because of different crafting speeds, but thank you so much!
I can show you parts of my 1k SPM factory I'm working on that this mod makes possible if you want.

Update: apparently assembler 3 with 24x speed 1 has the same speed as with 16x speed 2 so that's perfect. No need to rebuild, only upgrade some buildings...

4 years ago

Good! :) Feel free to showcase your factory :)

4 years ago

Here are a few screenshots

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