
by V453000

Adds production structures which simulate being fully beaconed, and Fullspeed productivity modules for them. Does not change any vanilla entities.

4 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

b Conflict with Creative Mod

4 years ago

Mods to disable:Failed to load mods: Error while running setup for entity prototype "creative-mod_creative-lab" (lab): Entity must produce no item result result or mine to an item that isn't hidden when next_upgrade is set.

Error appears with only Creative Mod and Built-in-Beacons active (no other mods).

4 years ago

I'm sorry but not only I can't really understand what that message means, but it also sounds like an issue on the side of creative mode. I'm afraid I can't help you there.

4 years ago

It may be something with how you implemented the labs - you set next_upgrade for labs, which appears to cause the game to require specific results for all other labs (even those not added by your mod, meaning labs added by other mods). Creative Mod adds its own lab, which is based on the base game design (which has no next_upgrade). I'll report over on the Creative Mod discussion and see if we can get to the bottom of it.

4 years ago

I'm the current maintainer of Creative Mod.
I've debugged my code and found that you are setting the next_upgrade of the original lab to 'beaconed_lab' and when I copy the table entry the stuff breaks because I'm not implementing the prerequisities for the upgrade planner functionality.
I'm clearing the next_upgrade string to fix the issue, but I don't think this is the intended functionality?

4 years ago

Yeah it seems the next_upgrade is also in conflict for other mods too, I'm trying to use Kingdud's Miner and Smelter UPSgrade mods and because the next upgrade is changed in the prototype your mod tries to upgrade their bulk-miner/smelter/centrifuge to your beaconed version the mod loader flags up an error. Which looks to have the same root cause as the problem here.

Exact Error text:

Failed to load mods: Error while running for entity prototype "bulk-smelter" (furnace): next_upgrade target (beaconed-electric-furnace) must have the same bounding box.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I don't know how to address this. I really don't want to remove the next_upgrade as it just works very nicely, but I understand you don't want to remove it either. Honestly, this mod loses a lot of point once any other mods as it's trying to retain vanilla numbers, so I guess I'm not massively bothered if there are some conflicts.
Maybe I could move the next_upgrade definitions for vanilla entities to data-final-fixes.lua so it works if you use it in data or updates? Would that help?

4 years ago

I've not dug into the code side of modding since 0.13(?) but is it not possible to change the next_upgrade on say the vanilla electric furnace or the vanilla research labs rather on than the prototype for all types of electric furnace and all types of research lab? or is that what you're suggesting but in technical speak? That would mean your primitive and basic electric furnaces don't get upgraded by default to the beaconed ones but wouldn't their default upgrades be best served by the vanilla electric furnaces anyway rather than the beaconed ones?

Or are you already setting things in the electric furnace/research labs and then rather than building up from the correct prototype these other modders are building from the wrong place? The big furnace mod is compatible with built-in-beacons and has a larger than 3x3 electric furnace they might be building off the correct prototypes in which case it might be worth noting for other modders seeking compatibility what the best practice is.

(honestly I can live without mods when I come across conflicts but it's nice to have more options)

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