The Blueprint Designer Lab

Enter your lab to design your blueprints. Mod updated for the 4th by daniel90c and minno. Please be gentle, the lab guy has been to places.

4 years ago
0.18 - 1.1
4 years ago
Latest Version:
1.0.3 (4 years ago)
Factorio version:
0.18 - 1.1
Downloaded by:
33.4K users

Enter your lab to design your blueprints.

Adds a way to enter a blueprints lab so you have a test bench for your blueprints. There is unlimited item creators so you can test the build with ores and such, and free items to place your blueprints directly on the lab.

  • This was only an update from the original mod to make it work with latest versions of +0.18.27 . Now it works on an infinte surface so its no longer limited. This also has the problem that if you build too many things it could slow down your ups/fps or make the save file bigger so use it responsably.

  • If I can, I will add new features like the new shortcut buttons or a research to enable it (because I like to research things).

-This is my second or third mod and I don't know if I will have the necessary skills to keep it updated.

Known issues:

  • The mod is incompatible with the use of the sandbox sceneario : the player does not exist in the game and when you try to enter the lab it will cause an error.

  • The mod is incompatible with the usage of the ingame command /editor : if you try to enter the lab with the editor enabled you will get an error because the player gets removed. If you use the command from inside, any terrain tiles that you add wont get removed.

  • The mod is incompatible with the Brave New World Scenario: same problem as above.
    Mod updated for the 4th by daniel90c. Please be gentle, the lab guy has been to places

  • The lab now prevents players from using the gui if there is no "body" on the player like on /editor and the Brave New World Scenario": so it does not crash the game, thanks to minno for the fix.

There is another alternative, the edit blueprint mod made one of the devs: that uses the ingame /editor command as a base.

Thanks to them for keeping the mod alive:

With the help of we are mantaining the mod now! Thanks to him also!