
by Mylon

Allows blueprints to be used much earlier. Once a blueprint is placed, nearby entities will be auto-placed at 5/second so long as you have the objects in inventory and are standing still. Once items are marked for deconstruction, they will be auto-removed and put into inventory so long as you are standing still. Press b to toggle building, press n to toggle demolishing.

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

g FPS/UPS drops to 30 from 60 when Autodemo set to True

6 years ago

When Autodemo is set to true my FPS/UPS drop to 30 and the script update time on bluebuild jumps up to 17-20. Turning it off results in 60fps/ups and script update time of 0.3-0.4.

I do not have this problem when using bluebuild version 1.1.1.
v1.1.1 crashed the game when there are modules inside of a machine ghost. However, it otherwise works if you just change line 181 to .mining_time

6 years ago

Definitely noticed this. Because I don't care about achievements, I tend to use the console to let me run the game a lot faster (caps out in the ~3k UPS range when I just tell it to max out). Anyway, I noticed a couple of days ago that if I run with Autobuild set to true, I lose a huge chunk of speed (varies from 30fps/ups when I'm running at 5x speed to 600+ when running at max possible speed.

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