Biter Detector Sentinel Combinator deprecated

by mk-fg

Adds Sentinel Alarm and Combinator buildings that detect biters within configurable range, sending signals to connected circuit network.

2 years ago
0.18 - 1.1
Circuit network

g 2.0 Port

4 months ago

Did anybody had success in porting this mod to 2.0?

4 months ago

ok, i repaired the recipes but now there is another error:

Error while running Biter_Detector_Sentinel_Cobminator::on_init()
Biter_Detector_Sentinel_Cobminator/control.lua:73: attempt to index global 'global' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
Biter_Detector_Sentinel_Cobminator/control.lua:73: in function 'init_globals'
Biter_Detector_Sentinel_Cobminator/control.lua:94: in function <Biter_Detector_Sentinel_Cobminator/control.94>

can anybody help?

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

I think it's a change in 2.x where they renamed "global" table (used for savegame data and mp sync) to "storage".
So fix there would be to find all "global" references and rename those to "storage" in the code.

Didn't look into these changes myself, but it was mentioned with relation to other mod in one of those places:

Also, maybe this porting guide might be useful:
(it was also brought up there, though iirc it was quite incomplete, and maybe there's a better list of things to tweak or even a script detecting old names around)

4 months ago

thank you for your response, i found this aswell, and i fixed the global topic. its working, i can start the game but i encountered another topic, the constant combinator was completely reworked. both biter sensor combinator and alarm are based on the constant combinator and its parameters which need a rework. i opened a forum entry about this. sadly i have very little to no programming skills so i will try to get this running somehow, but i doubt i can patch it for 2.0

4 months ago

Oh, yeah, I think that was also mentioned in wrt that other mod.

Maybe as an option check other "detector" mods linked in the Description (and whatever their successors) or on the portal, if you haven't already.
I haven't really changed this mod for years since initial release, so it seems likely that there might be better options around.

4 months ago

sadly, there is no other mod doing the same thing i think. at least i did not find a mod that can sense biters in a certain distance.

i used your mod in 1.1 for stopping resupply efforts on mines at my outpost to make the defence more efficient. it worked very well... how can i convince you to come back and update your mod? :D i checked your mod list you are a modding mastermind!

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

Thanks, but it'd need someone who plays the game to maintain the mod, as in add new creatures from Space Age, make it work with new signals, UIs, other mods, make new HR sprites to fit in, etc. It's not just a matter of one-off fix to existing (old) code, and I don't seem to be interested in going back to factorio at the moment, so it gotta be someone else.

But I wouldn't worry too much tbh, as I'm sure if there's an unmet need for mod or feature, someone in this community will surely stumble upon it and make a mod within couple weeks, so maybe just play something else for a bit and get back when folks had more time to port and make stuff :)

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